Faith leaders urge IL lawmakers to pass assault weapons ban

By Brónagh Tumulty for WGN News

January 4, 2022

CHICAGO - Several faith leaders are urging state lawmakers to support a bill that would make it illegal to manufacture, deliver, sell or purchase assault weapons in Illinois.

A crowd gathered on the altar at Good Hope Free Will Baptist Church on Wednesday, with many speakers fired up — among them, Father Michael Pfleger and Rabbi Ike Serotta. The Highland Park rabbi lost a constituent in the July Fourth Parade attack.

Each leader calling for the same thing, the passing of House Bill 5855, urging lawmakers to vote “YES” when it comes to the Protect Illinois Communities Act, put forth by state Rep. Bob Morgan.

The act would do a number of things, including banning the sale or purchase of assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines. It would also raise the minimum age to purchase a firearm to 21.

It would even extend the duration of a firearm restraining order from six months to one year.

All of this happening Wednesday in Garfield Park, just down the street from where 14 people were shot in a drive-by on Halloween night while attending a vigil for a loved one.

The bill had two committee hearings last month. Legislators are returning to the Capitol Wednesday for a lame-duck session.

Currently, no hearing is scheduled in the session for this bill.

The family of victims involved in the Garfield Park shooting on Halloween has started a GoFundMe, which has more than $10,000 of its $100,000 goal.


Faith leaders urge passage of Illinois assault weapons ban ahead of vote


Faith Leaders Call on Legislators to Pass the Protect Illinois Communities Act