Illinois bans assault weapons after parade shooting. Which other states have bans?

By Grace Hauck for USA Today

January 11, 2022

CHICAGO, IL - Illinois passed an assault weapons ban Tuesday, six months after a mass shooting at a Fourth of July parade in the Chicago suburb of Highland Park left seven dead and dozens wounded.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed the Protect Illinois Communities Act late Tuesday, making Illinois the ninth state in the nation to ban assault-style weapons. The law includes a ban on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines, among other gun safety reforms.

"For too long people have lived in fear of being gunned down in schools, while worshipping, at celebrations or in their own front yards," Pritzker said. "This legislation will stop the spread of assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and switches and makes our state a safer place for all."

What to know about assault weapons bans

  • Nine states and Washington have passed assault weapons bans, and three others have additional safety requirements on the weapons.

  • The U.S. had a federal assault weapons ban from 1994 to 2004. The law prohibited the sale and manufacture of certain military-style semiautomatic weapons and high-capacity magazines.

  • The U.S. House passed an assault weapons ban this summer, less than a month after the Highland Park shooting. But the bill has not gained traction in the Senate.

What is an assault weapon?

Generally, assault weapons are semiautomatic firearms that have combat-style features allowing a shooter to quickly discharge large amounts of ammunition.

Assault weapons used in mass shootings

Assault weapons have an "outsized impact" on injury and death, Kyleanne Hunter, a senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation, testified before a Senate committee this summer. While the weapons are used in the minority of firearm homicides, they are disproportionately used in mass shootings, particularly public mass shootings, Hunter said.

"When an assault weapon is used in one of these shootings, there are more than 14 times more injuries and twice as many deaths than when any other type of weapon is used. And it's because these weapons were designed to kill as many people as quickly as possible," Hunter said.

Shooters used assault weapons equipped with large-capacity magazines in the mass shootings in Las Vegas, Orlando, Newtown, Sutherland Springs, El Paso, Uvalde, Parkland, Aurora and Dayton, according to the gun safety advocacy group Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

In the Highland Park shooting, the gunman used a semiautomatic rifle to fire 83 rounds into the crowd in less than a minute, killing seven people and wounding about 30 others, according to Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering.

What to know about the Protect Illinois Communities Act

The law prohibits the sale, manufacture, possession and purchase of assault-style weapons, assault weapon attachments, and .50 caliber cartridges in the state of Illinois. People who currently own assault weapons are not be required to surrender them but have to register them with state police.

While some lawmakers proposed raising the age for firearm owner identification card applicants to 21, the law does not increase the age, which remains at 18. Long guns will have a limit of 10 rounds per magazine and handguns will not be allowed to have more than 15 rounds of ammunition.

The restraining order for those wishing to purchase a firearm but who have been found to be a "significant danger of causing personal injury to himself," per the bill, was also increased to a maximum of 12 months — up from six months.

Activists want to see federal assault weapons ban

Highland Park resident Rachel Jacoby, 26, an organizer with March for Our Lives, said it shouldn't have taken a tragedy to spur lawmakers to pass an assault weapons ban. At the same time, the law is a "big win," she said.

"As young people, we shouldn’t have to worry about being shot with an assault weapon every time we go to school, parks, movie theaters or parades," Jacoby said. "This law makes that possible."

Kitty Brandtner, 35, founder of March Fourth, an advocacy organization that formed in the wake of the Highland Park shooting, said activists plan to continue putting pressure on federal lawmakers.

"Every day they wait to ban assault weapons nationwide is another opportunity for senseless tragedy because guns don’t respect state lines," Brandtner said.


This US state just banned assault weapons


Politicians across state react after Gov. Pritzker signs Illinois assault weapon ban into law