Protect Illinois Communities Launches New Ad Urging Lawmakers to Take a Stand Against Gun Violence

December 28, 2022

CHICAGO, IL - This week, Protect Illinois Communities began airing a new ad in several media markets to urge lawmakers to take immediate steps to reduce gun violence. This is the first ad that Protect Illinois Communities will be running from now through the end of the lame duck session in January, with more to follow.

The ad features Mary Dieudonne-Hill, a mother from Homewood, Illinois who lost her daughter to senseless gun violence in 2016. Alisia Dieudonne was shot at a college party when she was 19. Mary honors her daughter by advocating for gun reform, because no parent should have to experience the devastating loss of a child.



My daughter Alisia was a very talented young lady. She had the opportunity to be a graphic designer.

That’s all gone…

No parent should ever have to lose their child to gun violence. 

So the way I honor her is to stand up and speak out. 

We have to all wake up and protect all our children.

We can save lives passing these critical gun bills. 


Anti-Gun Violence Group Airs TV Commercial Promoting Assault Weapons Ban


Yes, the 1994 federal assault weapons ban saved lives