Mayors Across Illinois Urge State Legislators to Pass the Protect Illinois Communities Act

January 5, 2023

CHICAGO, IL - Today, mayors and village presidents from across the state are calling on legislators to pass the Protect Illinois Communities Act, as they conclude the current legislative session. In a new letter signed by 27 mayors and village presidents who are encouraging swift passage of common sense legislation that includes bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and other steps to protect residents of their communities. 

Mayors are often on the front lines of working with local law enforcement to combat gun violence and coordinating with health care officials in the aftermath of shootings that leave families and communities shattered by their impact.

Among the mayors who signed on to today’s letter are:

“We need urgent action to reduce gun violence that tears entire communities apart. It’s our obligation as mayors to fight and advocate to pass laws to keep guns out of the wrong hands so no other city experiences the pain that we know all too well. I urge lawmakers to safeguard our communities by voting yes on the Protect Illinois Communities Act,” said Matteson Mayor Sheila Y. Chalmers-Currin.

"I am proud to join fellow mayors and leaders across Illinois in urging the General Assembly to pass this critically needed, common-sense, and lifesaving legislation," said Chicago Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot. "The flow of illegal guns is an inherently cross-jurisdictional challenge that requires collaboration and decisive action from both the State and Federal government to alleviate the scourge of senseless gun violence which threatens our communities. The Protect Illinois Communities Act will absolutely make a marked, positive difference when it comes to safeguarding Illinois residents and families."

“Gun violence poses a pervasive threat to each of our communities, and now is the time to step up and take action to prevent more senseless deaths. We need to get weapons of war off of our streets so that each of our cities is a safe place for all. Our legislators must pass the Protect Illinois Communities Act now,” said Rockford Mayor Tom McNamara.

“I have long advocated for gun reform and hope to see lawmakers pass the Protect Illinois Communities Act as the next step in making our state safer,” said Urbana Mayor Diane Wolfe Marlin. “Assault weapons and high capacity magazines are too deadly to serve any purpose but to injure and kill. Lawmakers must stand up to the NRA and pass this commonsense legislation as soon as possible.”


To: The Illinois General Assembly 

It’s Time to Act on Gun Safety Legislation

As mayors and presidents of cities, villages, and towns across Illinois, we urge legislators in the General Assembly to pass the Protect Illinois Communities Act, because all Illinoisans deserve to live without fear of being gunned down in neighborhoods they call home. 

For many of us, this bill is personal. Our communities have suffered from gun violence and we can’t sit idly by while families remain at risk. Guns designed to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible do not belong on our streets or in our homes. 

We feel a strong sense of responsibility to ensure the safety and security of not only the residents of our cities, but every person who calls Illinois home. Right now, assault weapons and high capacity magazines remain readily available, illegal guns continue to flow into Illinois, and guns too frequently fall into the hands of those who pose a threat to themselves or others. We can’t wait another day to stop senseless gun tragedies.

The Protect Illinois Communities Act would undoubtedly make our communities safer. We shouldn’t wait another day to get this lifesaving legislation passed. Let’s get this done now.

Thank you for your hard work to protect the wellbeing of all Illinoisans. 


Beverly Sussman

Buffalo Grove

Elliott Hartstein

Former Mayor of Buffalo Grove

Deborah Frank Feinen


Lori Lightfoot


Dan Shapiro


Daniel Biss


Robert Eastern

East St. Louis 

Donny Schmit

Fox Lake 

Howard Roin 


Chris Clark


Vernard Alsberry

Hazel Crest

Nancy Rotering

Highland Park 

Bill McLeod

Hoffman Estates

Regis Charlot

Lake Bluff

Sheila Y. Chalmers-Currin


Steve Chirico


Leon Rockingham, Jr

North Chicago 

Kathryn Ciesla


Marty Maloney

Park Ridge 

Rita Ali


Tom McNamara


Tom Dailly


George Van Dusen


Diane Wolfe Marlin


Ann Taylor


Senta Plunkett


Chris Rintz 



Illinois House committee passes assault weapons ban, advances to full House


Gun Violence Survivors, Gun Safety Advocates, Faith Leaders, and Elected Officials to Rally at the Capitol in Support of the Protect Illinois Communities Act